Ohne Furcht und Adel (without fear or nobility)

This document describes the basic rules of a nice german card game named "Ohne Furcht und Adel", a good translation may be"without fear or nobility" but a few people just call it "One fuck and adult". If the document at it's whole breaks some copyright-rules please send me a note and I'll remove the files from the website.

The Goal of the Game

Using different characters you're trying to build a town consisting of eight precious buildings. The game ends when one player reaches eight buildings.

Start of the Game

A round

The King is the first player, he shuffles the character cards and puts some of them into the middle (4 players: 2 cards | 5 players: 1 | more: 0). He takes the topmost card, looks at it and gives it to the last player, then he chooses a character from the remaing cards and gives the rest of themclockwise to the next player. All the other players do likewise, the last player can choose between the card he got from the first player and the remaining cards.

The King then announces the eight characters: one after another, they all make they specific turns.

How to make your turn


Description of the cards

The Buildings

Special Buildings

The Characters

  1. Meuchler (Killer) Kills another character (who is then not allowed to make a turn in this round)
  2. Dieb (Thief) Robbs another character (choose a character, when it's that characters turn he has to give you all his gold)
  3. Magier (Magician) Exchanges cards with another player or the stack (exchange: choose a player, exchange all cards | stack: put x cards on the dicard stack, draw x cards from the stack)
  4. König (King) Begins the next round, yellow indicates that for every yellow building the income increases by one gold coin
  5. Prediger (Preacher) his buildings are safe from the soldier, blue indicates increased income for blue buildings
  6. Händler (Merchant) Takes one gold coin and another one for each green building
  7. Baumeister (Builder) Draw two cards and build up to three buildings
  8. Söldner (Soldier) Destroy one building of another player (you have to pay one coin less than the building would cost), red buildings increase income by one

Counting points